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Video news programs join KSPA’s All-Kansas lineup in 2011

KSPA in spring 2011 will provide its first video news program All-Kansas critique and ratings service, and in advance of that, the online standards and ratings book is ready and linked here.

The standards are based on current practices of professional and student broadcast journalism sites, as well as those standards taught in reporting courses at the University of Kansas and Kansas State University.

The key areas for evaluation will be:

  • Coverage and Content
  • Writing and Editing
  • Continuity and On-Air Performance
  • Photography
  • Technical Quality

The rubrics contained in the guidebook should help online staffs understand how they can cover their school better by creating video news programming that speaks to the program’s primary and secondary audiences and does it in a professional manner.

An entry form for the All-Kansas video news critique and ratings service will be ready by Feb. 1, 2011, and the final deadline for entry will be March 11, 2011. The cost will be $50.

All entries are to be accompanied by between 30 and 60 minutes of programming. That range allows schools to submit whole shows or a compendium of short video clips tied together in some way. How that’s done depends on how the shows are distributed — in five-minutes chunks via daily announcements, in 30-minute blocks over cable news, or in varied format over the Internet. The key will be effective storytelling in a news format, not how the program(s) is distributed.

KSPA continues to work on reviewing its news magazine/newspaper standards and last week unveiled its website news standards. Both of those All-Kansas services have March 11, 2011, deadlines as well.

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