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High school students gain exposure through 810 WHB’s ‘Scholastic Sportswriters’ program

August 23, 2010 (Overland Park) – Sports Radio 810 WHB announced the launch of the “810 WHB Scholastic Sportswriters” program for the 2010-11 year. The program will begin with the 2010 football season, as selected students can write stories and take photos of their high school football team. The content will be posted on 810varsity.com, the official website of 810 WHB for high school athletics.

The opportunity will allow students to build their portfolio on a major platform while improving their writing and photography skills. Feedback will also be presented to the students with edited stories, tips and other feedback.

“This program will prove to be invaluable to high school students looking to pursue a degree or career in journalism,” said Chad Rader, Manager of Web Content for 810 WHB. “A lot of personalities in the industry started their careers by working as an intern or stringer for the local newspaper or TV station, and to start with a larger medium can only help in terms of experience and exposure for students.”

810varsity.com primarily covers football, along with boys and girls basketball, for most schools in the Kansas City metro area. For more information about the website’s coverage, visit 810varsity.com.

Students and teachers interested in participating in the 810 WHB Scholastic Sportswriter program can contact Chad Rader at rader@810whb.com to find out more details.

For more information, contact Rader at 913-568-4395.

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