Contest W1: Copyediting


This contest allows you to compete during any 75-minute period that you choose between 3 p.m. on Friday, April 16 and Monday, April 19. Once you begin competing, you cannot pause and restart. For that reason, be sure that you have a reliable internet connection. If a contestant submits more than one entry, the first entry will be official.

The copyediting contest, as usual, has two parts . . .

Part One: Multiple Choice 

Contestants will consider the sentences for use of grammar, Associated Press style, proper news writing, attribution, spelling and redundancy. Students will choose the best version of a sentence from four possible options provided.  The sentences are not intended to be part of a cohesive story. Students should assume that the sentences will be published in a high school newspaper in the state of Kansas.

Part Two: Open Feedback

Contestants will consider a news story. As the copy editor, students will be asked to give initial feedback on this first draft of the story. After carefully reading the passage, students will write a note to the writer about the qualities and shortcomings of the writing. Please consider especially, structure, tone, research and readability.





This contest is meant to be completed individually. Please refrain from seeking help from others while completing this contest.

Failure to follow these directions may result in disqualification from the contest without refund. Please read and follow carefully. 

  1. While competing, you may use resources like the AP Stylebook, an online style guide or a dictionary/thesaurus. 
  2. Do not include your name or your school’s name anywhere in your comments.
  3. Please do not share your draft, notes or ideas about the prompt with others until after the competition deadline.
  4. Once you are ready, click on the COMPETE NOW button below.

Prompts will be visible at 3 p.m. April 16