Hundreds of student-journalists and their advisers will attend this State contest that finishes the KSPA calendar year. Students and advisers have time before, during and after the contest to review products and talk with vendors. These are the smartest yearbook, newspaper and online students in the state along with the most talented and committed advisers all in one place.

In addition, your reservation will help support KSPA, a vital resource for student journalism in the Sunflower State.

Please reserve space by Monday, May 1, 2017 to be part of this exciting event. If you have any questions, please contact our office at or (785) 864-0605.

Here are some helpful details about the contest: 

  • Who will be there? Hundreds of student journalists qualified for the contest by placing at one of 12 regional contest locations and classifications. An adviser from each participating school attends the contest as well. The board of directors of KSPA will be present as well.
  • What time is the contest? While registration begins at 8:15 a.m. the union will be open much earlier for your set-up. Students compete in 90-minute sessions that begin at 9 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. Students and advisers may be in the union through 2 p.m. for you to visit.
  • Where will I set up? The fourth floor of the Memorial Union is a common and open area. There is a nearby coffee shop, convenience store and food bordering the common area where exhibitors will showcase.
  • What does KSPA provide? KSPA will provide the following to exhibitors:
    • Tables: based on the number of tables that you reserve below, the union staff will set up tables and reserve space in the common area for you.
    • Opening Slideshow: each exhibitor can showcase their company’s logo or provide an image to be showcased before the opening ceremony that all advisers and students attend.
    • Online payment: our new registration system allows credit card payment

You can read more about this year’s contest here.

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