Join KSPA with one of the memberships below and enjoy discounts on the fall conference, the opportunity to register for an in-person publication critique at the fall conference and our Regional and State Contests during second semester.
[events_planner event_id=”11048″] [events_planner event_id=”9677″] [events_planner event_id=”9678″] [events_planner event_id=”11046″]REGISTRATION
Please choose from the registration options below. Be sure to choose “member” or “non-member” based on your KSPA status for 2017-2018. All advisers and students must register for
[events_planner taxonomy=”registration”]EXTRAS
Enrich your students’ experience in Topeka with these other opportunities at the conference and after the conference ends.
[events_planner taxonomy=”extras”]
click “View” in any of the
blue boxes above
after selecting items.