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Mary Patrick Aspiring Young Journalist Award Winners 2021

The Kansas Scholastic Press Association congratulates Andover Middle student Kate Burdette on winning the 2021 Mary Patrick Aspiring Young Journalist Award. This award encourages Kansas junior high/middle school students to continue with journalistic studies in high school and rewards their hard work. The runner-up for the award is Avery Vogt,…...

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The Covers: 2017 All-Kansas Yearbook Entries

Check out the covers of 43 yearbooks that were received by our Oct. 4 All-Kansas Yearbook Critique deadline. You can sort the covers by school size and each cover is captioned with the school name. The books have been shipped to the judges. Stay tuned in December for the announcement…...

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The Covers: 2016 All-Kansas Yearbook Entries

Check out the covers of 55 yearbooks that were received by our Oct. 3 All-Kansas Yearbook Critique deadline. You can sort the covers by school size and each cover is captioned with the school name. The books have been shipped to the judges. Stay tuned in December for the announcement…...

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Congrats to March monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the March 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Two schools tied for the most awards during March: Blue Valley Northwest and Shawnee Mission East. Blue Valley Northwest was awarded four second places and two third places. Meanwhile, the Shawnee Mission East Lancers earned three first places, two second places and one third place.  There…...

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Julie Calabro of Andover Central wins Jackie Engel Award

KSPA joins Kansas Collegiate Media in congratulating the 2016 Jackie Engel Award winner. Please read the press release below from KCM: The Jungle Book yearbook and Spotlight news magazine adviser at Andover Central High School has won a prestigious journalism teaching award for 2016. Julie Calabro is this year’s recipient…...

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February Monthly Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the February 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Mill Valley High School received the most awards during February:  Mill Valley was awarded two first places, three second places and two third places.  With five awards Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School received the second most awards in the month by a single school.…...

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January Monthly Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the January 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Two schools tied for the most awards during January: Mill Valley and Shawnee Mission Northwest. Mill Valley was awarded two first places, three second places and one third place. Meanwhile, Shawnee Mission Northwest earned five first places and one third place.  Shawnee…...

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$500 Scholarship for Texting & Driving Piece

See the details here on how to earn a $500 scholarship along for writing an column or editorial about the dangers of texting while driving. Download the PDF file .  ...

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