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Congrats 2016 yearbook All-Kansas winners

Congratulations to the following KSPA-member yearbook staffs who earned All-Kansas yearbook status. Our judges critiqued at total of 56 books and awarded 20 All-Kansas awards. Judges were supplied a critique booklet and a copy of the yearbook in October. The completed electronic critique booklets have been emailed back to each adviser. Each…...

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Time to get to work!

The 2017 KSPA Regional Contest prompts have been released, along with some other details to help plan your school's participation....

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Congrats to October monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the October 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Lawrence High School and Pittsburg High School tied for most awards for October with six awards each.  The Lawrence Lions earned one first place, two second place, and three third place awards, while the Pittsburg Dragons came away with two first place, three second…...

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Congrats to August/September monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the August/September 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Blue Valley West High School earned the most awards in August/September. They earned three first places, one second place and three third places. Blue Valley High School, Lawrence High School and Pittsburg High School all tied for second most awards with four awards each. Deadline…...

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The Covers: 2016 All-Kansas Yearbook Entries

Check out the covers of 55 yearbooks that were received by our Oct. 3 All-Kansas Yearbook Critique deadline. You can sort the covers by school size and each cover is captioned with the school name. The books have been shipped to the judges. Stay tuned in December for the announcement…...

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Beginners Photography Workshop

Want to learn more about the basics of photography? Check out our workshop for middle school and high school students who are new to having a camera in their hands....

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Too Close to Call: KSPA Fall Conferences 2016

We want to earn your vote as the best day of journalism ever! With the upcoming political season -- from electing new members of the Topeka statehouse election to choosing a new president -- political coverage will be everywhere: on your website, on your broadcast, in your yearbook and on…...

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Congrats to April monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the April 2016 KSPA monthly contest. Shawnee Mission East High School earned the most awards in April. They earned four first places and two second places. The Lawrence High Lions were strong competition for Shawnee Mission East, and earned five awards. We look forward to seeing your submissions next…...

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2016 State Contest Results

Congratulations to the students who provided hundreds of entries for the KSPA State Contests and won the awards below. Thank You The contest would not be possible without the help of . . . Judges from all over the country Volunteers and judges from the University of Kansas William Allen White School…...

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Middle School Contest Results: Spring 2016

Congratulations to the following students for their awards from the KSPA Middle School Mail-In Contest from the Spring of 2016. We are excited to celebrate you accomplishments as middle school journalists. If you are a middle school adviser and interested in a free membership, sign up here.   Ratings for…...

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