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All-Kansas Yearbook Rankings announced

Congratulations . . . to the 23 yearbooks to earn an All-Kansas evaluation, the highest distinction presented to yearbooks for overall excellence. Below you can find a list of the All-Kansas yearbooks divided by classification. Judges from around the country — fifteen in all — commended the books they saw…...

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NSPA/JEA Convention Awards Round-up

Returning from the national semi-annual high school journalism convention this weekend was made more difficult by extra baggage for KSPA member schools: lots of awards! From Nov. 6-9 in Washington DC, the NSPA and JEA hosted a convention at the Wardman Park Marriott. The National Scholastic Press Association handed out…...

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September 2014 Monthly Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 KSPA monthly contests. The results listed here are partial due to delays in the judging of News Story, Feature Story and Yearbook Copy. Those results will be available before the end of the week. Over 130 entries were submitted at www.kspaonline.org in 13…...

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Middle School Contest Results: Spring 2014 

Congratulations to the following students for their awards from the KSPA Middle School Mail-In Contest from the Spring of 2014. We are excited to celebrate you accomplishments as middle school journalists. If you are a middle school adviser and interested in a free membership, sign up here. Feature Excellent: Southwest…...

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KSPA seeking contest judges . . . like you?

We are seeking hard-working and expert judges of scholastic journalism. If you are an active or retired adviser, or perhaps an active or retired journalist, we hope to include you in this great activity. Please see the variety of contests below. We offer high-quality student work that is great to review…...

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New Administrative Assistant joins KSPA

Barbara Sutterfield has recently joined the staff at KSPA.  She is the Administrative Assistant to Eric Thomas, Executive Director of KSPA. She has been at the University of Kansas for 24 years.  Her past positions have been with The Office of Admissions, The School of Fine Arts, and KU Research.…...

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Fall Conferences 2014

Every day in the newsroom is filled with ethical, legal, moral and, yes, journalistic decisions. We make decisions of style and taste, but also of right and wrong. We make decisions of grammar and punctuation, but also truth and libel. How do we make better decisions in the newsroom? By…...

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2014-2015 KSPA Membership Open

Advisers can fill out our online membership form to enjoy all of the great KSPA benefits for the coming school year....

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New executive director named

Eric Thomas, a former high school media adviser and teacher from Kansas City, has been appointed as the next executive director of KSPA. Thomas advised online, yearbook and newspaper students at St. Teresa’s Academy, where students earned top national, state and regional awards. His time at KU will be split…...

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2014 All-Kansas Award winners announced

Below are the All-Kansas Award winners for 2014. 2014 All-Kansas Yearbooks Middle School The Stampede, Maize South, Shelly Walston, adviser 1A The Wigwam, St. Francis Community High School, Brenda Day, adviser 2A Eagle, Canton-Galva, Jessica Bowman, adviser Speak, Chase County Jr.-Sr., Linda Drake, adviser The Trojan, Hillsboro, Bob Woelk, adviser Thunderbird, Skyline, Judy Hampel, adviser 4A…...

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