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Henschel of Shawnee Mission East earns Kansas Student Journalist of the Year

The Kansas Scholastic Press Association congratulates Shawnee Mission East senior Ben Henschel on winning the statewide honor of the 2020 Kansas Student Journalist of the Year. Henschel leads the Harbinger Online, the school’s news website, as editor-in-chief and broadcast editor. The overall winner is chosen among the winners of three…...

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Congratulations to the November monthly contest winners!

Mill Valley High School School took top honors and earned ten awards in November. They earned two first place, four second place and four third place wins. Shawnee Mission East High School earned second place with six awards. Video 1st Place: Sydney Williams from Shawnee Mission East High School 2nd…...

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Unveiling the 2019 All-Kansas Yearbook winners

Congratulations to the following KSPA-member yearbook staffs who earned All-Kansas yearbook status in the 2019 All-Kansas critiques. Our judges critiqued at total of 50 books and awarded 28 All-Kansas awards. Judges were supplied a critique booklet and a copy of the yearbook in October. The completed electronic critique booklets have…...

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Congratulations to the October monthly contest winners!

Lawrence High School took top honors and earned seven awards in October. They earned two first place, three second place and two third place wins. Mill Valley High School and Shawnee Mission Northwest High School tied for second place with five awards each. Video 1st Place: Anna Venegas, Katie Charest…...

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Recap: Shawnee Mission School District v. ACLU lawsuit for student press freedom

This article was compiled by Kathy Habiger, KSPA executive board member and Mill Valley High School journalism adviser. After an ACLU lawsuit against the Shawnee Mission School District over students’ First Amendment rights violations stemming from the April 2018 National School Walkouts, the KSPA executive board began a long journey supporting…...

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Congrats to the August – September monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the August – September KSPA monthly contest. Mill Valley High School took top honors and earned seven awards in the August – September contest. They earned two first place and five second place wins. Lawrence High School and Shawnee Mission East High School tied for…...

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The Covers: 2019 All-Kansas Yearbook Entries

Check out the covers of nearly 50 yearbooks that were received by our Oct. 3 All-Kansas Yearbook Critique deadline. Covers can be sorted by school size and each cover is captioned with the school name. The books have been shipped to the judges. Stay tuned in December for the announcement…...

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2019 Administrator of the Year

ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR 2019 The KSPA Administrator of the Year Award recognizes secondary school administrators who have stood up for the First Amendment and his/her students.  The nominee should meet the following five criteria: 1) Supports the Kansas Student Publications Act and the First Amendment; 2) Provides adequate and…...

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Kansas middle schools earn dozens of awards

Congratulations to the Kansas middle school students who placed in this year’s Journalism Education Association national media contest. Students from Andover, Derby North and Turner middle schools earned a total of 28 awards for the state of Kansas. Three of the 35 superior awards also went to Kansas students. Here…...

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Congrats to the April monthly contest winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the April KSPA monthly contest. Lawrence High School took top honors and earned eight awards in April. They earned three first place, two second place and three third place wins. Mill Valley High School and Shawnee Mission East High School tied for second place with…...

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