Kansas Scholastic Press Association is once again offering their critique service for middle schools.
KSPA offers the following types of critiques:
- Regular Yearbook or Newspaper Critique: For $25, your yearbook or newspaper will be critiqued along with a rating certificate and the copy of the critique.
- Annotated Yearbook or Newspaper Critique For $35 your yearbook or newspaper will receive an annotated critique along with a rating certificate and the copy of the critique. Annotated suggestions are printed on sticky notes and left on the actual printed pages.
- Website: For $20 submit your website URL for critique. Website entries will have certificates and critiques mailed back.
- Broadcast: For $20 submit up to five broadcast segments 3-5 minutes in length via YouTube. Segments may be news, feature, weather, sports, and/or review in any combination. Broadcast entries will have certificates and critiques mailed back.
Judges are experienced with middle school programs either as past advisers or as past middle school judges. The purpose of this critique is to showcase the good points of your programs and suggest areas of improvement. With this in mind, you will receive several helpful comments.
June 3: Middle School Yearbook (spring delivery), News Publication, Website or Video Critiques
Sept. 23: Middle School Yearbook (summer/fall delivery)
Turn-around time will be three to four weeks, unless you are otherwise notified.
We hope you will select to send your publications as soon as possible so you will be able to use suggestions and recommendations for the next school year.
Critiques must be registered and paid for using this link. You can pay for any and all critiques you want to enter using this form.
You must be a member of KSPA to register for a critique. Here’s the list of current members. If your school is not on the list, please join using the link above.
For Yearbook or Newspaper Critiques, complete the submission form AND mail your publications to Mary Patrick by the due date (June 3 or Sept. 23)
Mary Patrick, CJE, JEA Mentor
3 Shenandoah Drive
Goddard, Kansas 67052-9418
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mary Patrick directly at patrickmary1977@gmail.com
Or you may direct questions to the Kansas Scholastic Press Association at staff@kspaonline.org
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