In 1995, KSPA became the first state organization to create a Scholastic Journalism Hall of Fame in order to honor its own excellent members. Today, 42 names have been added to the permanent Hall of Fame plaque that hangs in the KSPA office in KU’s William Allen White School of Journalism.
The award recognizes KSPA advisers or professional media for noteworthy service to KSPA and journalism education, outstanding personal achievement in student journalism and contribution to the field of student journalism. Winners will be honored at the State Celebration with a plaque, following a presentation at the inductees school or place of employment. The winner’s name will be added to the permanent plaque that hangs in the KSPA office at the KU School of Journalism. More than one winner can be awarded in a single year.
To nominate someone for the KSPA Hall of Fame, click here. The deadline is March 3, 2025.
JOURNALISM EDUCATORS should meet a majority of following criteria:
- Minimum of 10 years experience in the field
- Noteworthy service to KSPA and to the education of student journalists
- Significant number of students enrolled in the journalism program
- Involvement in KSPA as a committee member, conference speaker, judge, author or officer
- Active membership in regional or national associations
- Recommendation by school administrators, other school personnel, professional media or former students active in professional journalism
- Outstanding personal achievement in student journalism
- Speaking or teaching at journalism workshops
- Judging contests for other states or in national competitions
- Authorship of books or articles in state and national publications
- Leadership of a national, state or regional journalism/adviser program
- Innovation in the field of journalism education
- Contribution to the field of student journalism
- Receipt of award(s) for achievement in education or advising
- Officer or committee member in state or national journalism organization
- Serve as a mentor to new advisers in the field
PROFESSIONAL MEDIA will be judged on the following three major criteria:
- Participate in scholastic journalism conferences, seminars, workshops and conventions
- Financial and technical support of student publications
- Significant contributions to the aims and goals of KSPA
- A primary nomination letter that includes the nominator’s relationship with the nominee and detailed examples of how the nominee meets the award criteria.
- Three letters of recommendation from other sources who can give examples of how the nominee meets the award criteria.
KSPA Hall of Fame inductees with year of induction:
- David Adams (1995)
- Doris Ballard (1995)
- Del Brinkman (1995)
- Edna Coder (1995)
- Meredith Cromer (1995)
- Nikki Economy (1995)
- Jackie Engel (1995)
- Shirley Gabrielson (1995)
- Dorothy Greer (1995)
- Ruth Hunt (1995)
- Jeanne Lambert (1995)
- Dana Leibengood (1995)
- Virginia Muninger (1995)
- Katherine Rogers (1995)
- Susanne Shaw (1995)
- Frances Taylor (1995)
- G.O. “Doc” Watson (1995)
- C.J. Medlin (1996)
- Robert Dillon (1996)
- Frank J. Wright (1996)
- Mary Wallace (1997)
- John Mohn (2000)
- Vicki Churchman (2000)
- Carol Dreiling (2001)
- Allen Wilhite (2005)
- Cheryl Nelsen (2005)
- Mary Anne McCloud (2006)
- John Hudnall (2006)
- Phyllis Wipf (2007)
- Susan Agee (2008)
- Linda Puntney (2008)
- Linda Drake (2009)
- Sharon Martin (2009)
- Nancy Hall (2010)
- Derius Mammen (2011)
- Michael Dunlap (2011)
- Susan Massy (2013)
- Mary Patrick (2014)
- Ron Johnson (2019)
- Kim Isbell (2023)
- Monte Moser (2023)
- Jim McCrossen (2024)
- Penny Wika