The award is presented to a high school student journalist or a team of student journalists who showed determination, despite difficulty or resistance, in lawfully exercising First Amendment press rights. The judges may present awards to two different applications if the judges find it necessary. This award may be earned by demonstrating the following criteria: overcoming particularly impactful personal issues; facing a hostile or problematic school administration; or other types of oversight or hindrances. Recipients of the award will receive a plaque, recognition and be profiled on the KSPA website.
Nomination requirements:
- A written description (not to exceed 1,000 words) on how the nominee’s circumstances meet the entry criteria. If applicable, include details of how the journalism produced made a difference or brought about change/reform.
- Any relevant supporting materials and/or examples of the student work for which they are being nominated
- Links to any commercial media coverage of the student journalists’ efforts.
- At least two letters of support.
- The address, phone number and e-mail address of the nominee(s).
Past Courage in Journalism Award winners: