This award honors an adviser who has displayed a significant effort continually improve his/her journalism program and make a significant contribution to the profession of advising in Kansas.
Award requirements:
- At least five years advising experience and a commitment to continued advising with consistent (not necessarily consecutive) membership in KSPA and/or JEA.
- Regular participation in KSPA regional contests, fall conferences, and/or summer workshops to improve student skills and advising abilities.
- Support of First Amendment rights through teaching of the law and allowing student leadership and free expression.
- A significant contribution of personal time and effort to improve the quality of scholastic journalism in his/her school OR the profession of advising in Kansas.
- Overcoming a considerable challenge or obstacle (such as but not limited to: budget constraints, low enrollment, socio-economic disadvantages in the district, multiple teaching assignments and sponsorships, legislative or administrative opposition to scholastic journalism, etc.).
Nomination requirements:
- Letter from primary nominator with examples which are pertinent to the candidate based on requirements (limit one nominee per school district)
- One letter of recommendation from a student or former student, colleague, a publication representative, a parent, member of the professional press, or an administrator with examples of requirements
Winners will be honored at the State Celebration in May with a $250 cash prize and a plaque.
Ad Astra winners include:
- 2011-12, Jane Wagner, Russell High School
- 2012-13, Susan Gray, Wichita Southeast High School
- 2013-14, Jessica Bowman, Canton-Galva High School
- 2014-15, Laurie Folsom, Lawrence Free State High School
- 2015-16, Jill Holder, Bonner Springs High School
- 2016-17, J.D. Garber, Salina Central High School
- 2020-2021, Barbara Tholen, Lawrence High School